[AusNOG] Open Mic

Brad Gould bradley at internode.com.au
Fri Jun 24 11:58:12 EST 2016


"My opinion is that Ausnog...."

Where-as the charter disagrees with you, insomuch as what you want to post is against the charter.

So instead of gathering consensus and getting the charter changed, you try and subvert the charter by posting, repeatedly, against the spirit of the charter.

You then wonder why people complain and lament about how the list does not align with your own world view of how the list "should be".

"Grow up people. Respect each other, and also new members that come along that might not have the experience and wisdom of our years - or this list and community will die out under the weight of its own bullshit."


From: AusNOG [mailto:ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net] On Behalf Of Skeeve Stevens
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2016 10:54
To: Damien Gardner Jnr
Cc: ausnog at lists.ausnog.net
Subject: Re: [AusNOG] Open Mic

My opinion is that Ausnog is a community and far more than a tech/noc list.  Some of us have been in the industry for 20+ years and known each other professionally and personally for a lot longer.  This is where we meet and is as much a social connection as it is an operator list.

If there is ANY thread or topic you don't like or care about, just ignore the bloody thing. Given how many mailing lists most of us are on, I find it beyond belief that some of you whinge about off-topic content here because if you did it everywhere you would spend your entire life doing so... and don't you have better things to do?

We're a community for f*&k sake. Start acting like one. We help each other when things go wrong, and should be celebrating our wins and care about the industry as a whole, not small crap.

We don't all have to agree with everything, but if someone posts off-list, unless you are a moderator, shut up. If they see it as important, they should deal with it - also off-list - rather than trying to publicly shame people.

Grow up people. Respect each other, and also new members that come along that might not have the experience and wisdom of our years - or this list and community will die out under the weight of its own bullshit.


Skeeve Stevens - Founder & The Architect - eintellego Networks Pty Ltd
Email: skeeve at eintellegonetworks.com<mailto:skeeve at eintellegonetworks.com> ; Web: eintellegonetworks.com<http://eintellegonetworks.com/>

Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; Skype: skeeve ; LinkedIn: /in/skeeve<http://linkedin.com/in/skeeve> ; Expert360: Profile<https://expert360.com/profile/d54a9> ; Keybase: https://keybase.io/skeeve

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Damien Gardner Jnr <rendrag at rendrag.net<mailto:rendrag at rendrag.net>> wrote:
How about we put those off-topic things on whirlpool where they more likely belong? ;)

Maybe I've mis-understood AusNOG's purpose all these years, but I consider it to be for requesting urgent assistance with replacement spare parts, group notification/collaboration of large outages, and last-resort contact with the NOC's at other providers.  When an email comes in here I look pretty much straight away to see if it's service-affecting.    Having all this OT stuff coming through is *VERY* distracting, and unwelcome to me.

Can we please get back to on-topic things now? :)

On 24 June 2016 at 10:45, Rhys Cuff (Latrobe I.T) <rhys at latrobeit.com.au<mailto:rhys at latrobeit.com.au>> wrote:

On a few lists I’m part of they reserve Friday morning to basically say whatever thoughts you want (respectfully) and sell whatever you have related to the industry.
Works well.
Any thoughts?
Could always have the ole “off topic” in the subject line for those who are uninterested.

P.S I have nothing to sell and try to have very little thoughts :-)


AusNOG mailing list
AusNOG at lists.ausnog.net<mailto:AusNOG at lists.ausnog.net>


Damien Gardner Jnr
VK2TDG. Dip EE. GradIEAust
rendrag at rendrag.net<mailto:rendrag at rendrag.net> -  http://www.rendrag.net/
We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
 We ran to the sounds of thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
 and tore the world asunder

AusNOG mailing list
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