[AusNOG] Sydney Meetup

Curtis Bayne curtis at bayne.com.au
Fri May 21 14:39:12 EST 2010


It's only a couple of us in Brisbane: you're all slack and should come along to our meetups. We meet 6.30PM Tuesday at the Riverside Pig'n'Whistle, Indooropilly Tavern or where ever there is a special/happy hour. Don't forget your corporate card because it's all a business development exercise*!

Make sure you email/text me to make sure the venue hasn't changed and that we're still on for the evening. I am available on mobile on 0431 283 622. Text me first and let me know who you are so we can book a table. Attendance varies, so be prepared for a small group or large group depending on everyone's availability. Remember, early planning is better - the more confirmations we have, generally the more people who attend.

Next day's work commitments permitting, there's sometimes a dedicated few who will hit the valley afterward. Your mileage in this regard will vary - this is at your own risk as Brisbane has a somewhat colourful evening scene.


*Before you ask (and inevitably there's always one smart ass that does), SONET will not pay for your beer. I tried that once and someone was doing triple shots on my tab - it cost me hundreds and accounts/my wife nearly skinned me alive.

-----Original Message-----
From: ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net on behalf of Karl Kloppenborg
Sent: Fri 5/21/2010 2:22 PM
To: ausnog at ausnog.net
Subject: [AusNOG] Sydney Meetup
Hi guys,

I am think of organising a bit of a meet up soon, please let the list know if you would like to and if there is enough interest raised then we can organise a date for this, have a few beers / few pizza's or take out.

Thinking maybe this meet up other than an excuse to get drunk would be an chance to discuss hands on approaches to IPv6 rollout and what not.

Come on Sydney guys, the Brisbane guys meet up like once a week (So I heard) :P (Not disclosing were I heard that!)

Karl Kloppenborg
P 02 8014 4253  EXT:104  | M 0438475892  |  www.karltec.net

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