[AusNOG] SMH: "No room at the internet"

Mark Andrews marka at isc.org
Thu May 20 00:27:58 EST 2010

The thing that is really needed is for the client side to be turned
on as soon as possible.  This will stop 6to4 and Terado from turning
on automatically.  This in turn will allow the server side to turn
on IPv6 without having to go through the machinations that Google
does or that Yahoo propose.

Native, 6rd or tunnel brokers.  I don't really care which.  They
are all managed solutions to the IPv6 connectivity problem.  6to4
and Terado are unmanaged solutions and it the lack of managment and
accountability that is causing the problem.

As for accountabilty web servers and the like will need to keep
source ports as well as addresses as addresses start to be shared
between customers hopefully with some sort of distributed PNAT of
which DS-Lite is a example.  Double NAT is a bad idea that should
be avoided.

Note: one can run DS-Lite on top of 6rd using RFC 1918 addresses
which provides both IPv6 connectivity and a distributed PNAT.  You
use a host routes for the 6rd BRs and send the rest of your IPv4
traffic over the DS-Lite softwire.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: marka at isc.org

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