[AusNOG] FW: Less than 10% of IPv4 Addresses Remain Unallocated

Mark Newton newton at internode.com.au
Tue Jan 26 06:28:00 EST 2010

On 25/01/2010, at 10:25 PM, Steve Lisson wrote:
> I also think that there is a lot of people saying that either ISP’s are not doing enough to get ready and ISP’s are saying that the content providers are not there for them to enable it,

I don't think anyone's been talking about content providers for ages.

They're a fait accomplis:  They want to get their stuff into your eyeballs.  If you're
on v6 and they haven't moved to dual-stack, their ability to reach your eyeballs
will be dependent on whatever crappy CGN box your ISP has installed.  They
won't want that.

We're really down to CPE support.  Get the recalcitrant CPE vendors to do what
they need to do and we'll be most of the way there.  The transition of the actual
network isn't a big deal.

> while it is occasionally touched briefly I think a lot of it is also that the applications developers are not their either, probably around a ½ year ago I ask one of our game server customers if I provided them with IPv6 could their run any of the standard games they have on IPv6, their response was that they don’t know of any games that they run that have IPv6 capabilities.

Then their games will have to run through v4 NAT.  They'll either be happy with
that and do nothing, or be unhappy with it and incorporate v6.  Either way
they're not holding up any transition actions.  Again, focusing on them is 
largely irrelevant.

> Just my 2c on the issue, I have IPv6 on our network and available to customers on request so its there and (somewhat) ready, IPv6 has been a ‘hobby’ of mine for years, started back when could get a bgp peering session with Occaid, was a very useful learning tool and played a big part of having the career I now do.

Are you v6 peering at PIPE?

  - mark

Mark Newton                               Email:  newton at internode.com.au (W)
Network Engineer                          Email:  newton at atdot.dotat.org  (H)
Internode Pty Ltd                         Desk:   +61-8-82282999
"Network Man" - Anagram of "Mark Newton"  Mobile: +61-416-202-223

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