[AusNOG] nbn vDSL daily-drop weirdness

lloyd.wood at yahoo.co.uk lloyd.wood at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Feb 7 16:17:09 AEDT 2025

Longtime lurker here. This isn't the usual ISP crossconnectivity problem, but I think it's weird or interesting enough to be worth noting to Ausnog, since it's NBN, which we are all supposed to use now. Hey, I'd even ask Whirlpool if I thought it would help. Because, I'm that desperate.

I have a residential Fibre-to-the-Node vDSL NBN/RSP link.

Several times a week (4+), the connection will drop once, and then selfrestore in under ten minutes. But this always happens at around 3pm Sydney time. Today, 3:08pm.

The wiring is good, and has been for years  -- if it wasn't, it would drop at other times or fade, surely. NBN and the RSP have both sent out technicians, had the modem replaced with a different model... it still does that daily drop around that time in a one-hour window.

My best guess is some kind of weird not-quite-24-hours modem DHCP lease issue --- but nbn procedures are simply to send a tech out to troubleshoot the last mile. If it's not fixable in the last mile, it's not fixable.

So, I've had a number of cases closed on me, I open new cases with the RSP assurance team to log further drops and the time when they happen, I've spoken to case managers and explained my experience and view of things and gotten them to nod along... but everyone is boxed in by their procedures, and I can't get someone to give an engineering view of this and think outside the box.

When you have weird stuff with your nbn connection, how do escalate to get it resolved? Offline advice appreciated.


Lloyd Wood

lloyd.wood at yahoo.co.uk

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