[AusNOG] Offsite Backup Recommendations

Andrew McN andrew at mcnaughty.com
Mon May 15 16:54:49 EST 2017

On 15/05/17 12:09, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-05-15 at 01:15 +0000, Shane Clay wrote:
>> At 10tb your budget would have to be reasonable for both the storage
>> and bandwidth requirements. Amazon S3 would slug you $350 for the
>> object storage before you pay to get it there.
> That's per year though, isn't it? 20% off if you put it into
> "infrequent access", and 80% off if you move it into Glacier. That all
> seems very cheap to me, considering that S3 automatically keeps several
> non-co-located copies. The initial upload will be $500 over the
> network, so go Snowball ($260) instead.

10TB would be $250/month if stored in AWS sydney data centre.  That
doesn't include any allowance for transfer costs, but I'd expect that to
be slow so long as you are talking about backing up e.g. 100GB volumes
not individual 4k files.

Small savings are available by using an off-shore data centre, and as
you say, there's things like glacier, if you are OK with the delay
and/or cost that implies for recovery.

You can certainly store stuff cheaper than S3.  E.g.
https://www.hetzner.de/ot/hosting/storagebox/bx60 gives you 10TB plus 12
snapshots for 40 euro/month, but chances are that by the time you've got
a second system for redundancy, and you've worked out how to automate
this less common storage option, then your savings are not going to pay
back the time spent this year, and likely not next year either.  If AWS
Glacier fits your needs, then this approach wouldn't save money at all.


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