[AusNOG] Interworking issues - Cisco IP-IP gateway, ISDN Gateway, SIP, Callmanager 4.2

Tim Sheahan sheahant at mytelecom.com.au
Thu May 12 14:15:37 EST 2016

Hello all,

I am writing to ask whether there is an exceptional individual out 
there, a telephony superhero, if you will, whom we can engage for some 

This issue is highly urgent for us.

Involved technologies include:

  * Cisco 2800 IP-IP gateway
  * Cisco 2600 gatekeeper
  * Cisco 5300 ISDN gateway
  * SIP
  * Callmanager 4.2 (incl. MTP)

Symptoms include:

  * one-way audio
  * dropped calls

Onset of symptoms coincided with introduction of inbound SIP, which is 
necessary to maintain.

I would greatly appreciate to hear from anybody who has immersive 
experience in this field and the interest to try and help out.

If there are any questions, I am reachable on 0425 798 648.

Regards, Tim

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