[AusNOG] Site Blocking Coming

Skeeve Stevens skeeve+ausnog at theispguy.com
Mon Nov 23 23:39:41 EST 2015

Hey all,


So, how are ISPs planning to implement this blocking.

How indeed are all ISPs even going to be told of the requirements?  Does
the right holder have to contact every ISP in the country or are ISPs just
supposed to know it has to happen?

The legislation:

Some thoughts:

- 115A(3)b. Does this mean the rights holder has to get an injunction
against each an every CSP (ISP)?

- 115A(5)f. How would anyone know (with a certainty) if other websites are
hosted on the same IP address?

Doe anyone else have thoughts/understanding on the mechanics on how this is
supposed to work?



Skeeve Stevens - The ISP Guy - Internet Provider SME

Email: skeeve at theispguy.com ; Cell: +61(0)414 753 383
Skype: skeeve; Blog: TheISPGuy.com <http://theispguy.com/> ; Facebook:
TheISPGuy <https://www.facebook.com/theispguy>

Linkedin: /in/skeeve <http://www.linkedin.com/in/skeeve> ; Expert360:
Profile <https://expert360.com/profile/d54a9>
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