[AusNOG] On Old Hands and Young Uns

Mark Posen mark at posen.com.au
Sun Feb 15 21:35:39 EST 2015

Ah the AMD7910 chipset; takes me back to my very very early days at NetComm manufacturing the 1st internal PC (ISA) modem, 300/300 and 1200/75 (reversible for uploading), with an external line isolation unit inc noisy relays for off/on hook and decadic dialling... Anyway to test auto answer we'd dial the PSTN line from another line and if you whistled carefully when you heard the answer tone the modem would connect and garbled characters would appear in the terminal software screen.

The number of times when on tech support calls I had to explain what an ampersand was, shift 7, "oh" they'd say "you mean the 'and' sign"!

The good old days...

Mark Posen

M +61 414 99 5959
mark at posen.com.au

> On 15 Feb 2015, at 12:00, ausnog-request at lists.ausnog.net wrote:
> Re: On Old Hands and Young Uns
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