[AusNOG] Brocade experience

Tom Lanyon tom+ausnog at oneshoeco.com
Wed Sep 24 12:19:50 EST 2014

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 11:31, James Braunegg wrote:
> Dear Tom
> I've been using the Brocade MLXe X platform since 2010, however if you are buying new hardware now and require full routes then do not buy the X buy the X2 which supports more routes !

Hi James,

Thanks for the reply.  We don't need a huge number of physical ports, and given the price of the 20-port 10GbE -X2 card compared to the 8-port -X series card, we're willing to sacrifice the extra FIB space!  We can upgrade to -X2 cards or start filtering in the year 2020 if the equipment is still in use and Geoff's predictions are reasonably accurate[1] :)
> I also highly recommend 3 switching fabrics and two managements cards per physical device.

Can you elaborate on this?  I assume you've had good success with the redundant cards taking over after failures?  Are there any software intricacies to look out for when running the redundant fabric and management cards?


[1] http://www.potaroo.net/ispcol/2014-01/bgp2013.html

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