Shain Singh shain.singh at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 17:51:21 EST 2014

On 10 November 2014 20:59, Brad Peczka <brad at bradpeczka.com> wrote:

> Have you ever thought about the reasons why *every* major ISP has a script?

I do wonder why they all need a L1 person though. Industry metrics of first
call resolution, etc. are plain BS when dealing with a CSR in a telco
environment, in ANY country.

Why can't the industry have a real "helpdesk" - now that's a obscure 90s
reference, instead of the pretend-we-do-ITIL type "service desks" we have

Shaineel Singh
e: shain.singh at gmail.com
p: +61 422 921 951
w: http://buffet.shainsingh.com

"Too many have dispensed with generosity to practice charity" - Albert Camus
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