[AusNOG] Interesting

Mark Foster blakjak at blakjak.net
Wed May 14 11:18:52 EST 2014

On Wed, May 14, 2014 1:07 pm, Mark Currie wrote:
> Anyone one else think that this might be some legislation/scheme that has
> been "encouraged" to be enacted by the US Govt/Feds as a kind of
> compensation for the monumental fubar NZ made of the whole Mega/Kim Dotcom
> bust?

If I had to guess it'd be more about TPPA or ACTA than the the Kim Dotcom
bust - which was just as fouled up by the US as NZ, from where I sit.

I understand what they're trying to achieve with the legislation, I just
think they've completely jumped the shark and that parliamentary process
was abused to ensure this law passed using urgency measures, giving
insufficient time for those with a contrary position to be heard.

Urgency, described:

Not that in NZ we're not already good at this, check this 2011 news
article covering 'urgently' passed laws 2008-2010:


Meanwhile network operators here are simply doing what they're now obliged
to do by law.  I say again, the GCSB have been very good about engaging
with operators and building in a list of reasonable exceptions to make the
whole thing more managable.

The issue remains political; we're in an election year and what we need is
for voters to express their concerns in the way they vote.
What I can't figure is how the National party is doing so well, despite
the heavy critique coming from all directions...

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