[AusNOG] IPv4

Zone Networks - Joel joel at zonenetworks.com.au
Sun Mar 3 12:53:29 EST 2013


So what you are basically saying ..


Small business cant afford to move to ipv6 

Large business can afford to move to ipv6 but couldnt give a damn..


That is brilliant. so Aus has <1% ipv6 traffic and that is cause of all the
small business not running ipv6





From: ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net
[mailto:ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net] On Behalf Of Joshua D'Alton
Sent: Sunday, 3 March 2013 12:34 PM
To: AusNOG at lists.ausnog.net
Subject: Re: [AusNOG] IPv4


No one forced them into business. No one made them go for lower margins that
would mean they aren't/weren't IPv6 ready.


If they decided to hop onto the sinking ship without a lifevest, its their
own damn fault. If they went into business with software like cPanel and did
nothing to try push for proper IPv6 support, again that is their own fault.
Bigpond and Optus have very little reason from content serving perspective
to have IPv6, so it was up to the major sources of content to get their side
ready so that people like Bigpond and Optus actually had benefit in rolling
out IPv6. Do you think David Thodey is going to go to his board and say "oh
hey guys, here's a $100 million proposal to ready our network for IPv6, of
course it won't benefit anyone as none of the content out there is IPv6, but
it will cost us more if we have to do it later" and get an answer anything
other than "bugger off, not interested, it might cost us more later but all
we care about is this years bottom line, screw the future that is the next
CEOs problem"?


Maybe instead of looking at it like the world is shafting these smaller
businesses, maybe look at it like the world has given them a free ride all
this time, and now it is time for them to step up. And if that means their
business folds, well that means more customers for businesses that WILL
survive and manage to implement IPv6 before the 22nd century.


I gotta tell you though, over the past year or so there have been some
fairly massive players on the global stage that have all started charging a
lot more for IPv4, and aside from a few complaints from businesses being run
out of India or Malaysia or somewhere where low margins work really well,
the majority of customers have understood the reality of the cost of IPv4.
And none of them have left the providers, because while the IPv4 cost
increased, overall these lowish margin providers are still a damn sight
cheaper than the majority of companies. 

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Peter Betyounan
<peter at serversaustralia.com.au> wrote:

So basically any new businesses that are 1/4 of that age are
collateral damage in this mess , great view.

There is no force behind change then software providers like Cpanel
who would hold half the worlds content would move faster on forward
planning on ipv6. Big providers are at fault as it has been said no
residential move has been made by the likes of bigpond and Optus so
take up has been short of nil by market as no substantial end users
have ipv6.

Laying the blame on small providers is plain wrong.

Peter Betyounan

On 03/03/2013, at 7:06 AM, Mark Smith <markzzzsmith at yahoo.com.au> wrote:

>> ________________________________
>> From: Peter Betyounan <peter at serversaustralia.com.au>
>> To: Jared Hirst <jared.hirst at serversaustralia.com.au>
>> Cc: "ausnog at lists.ausnog.net" <ausnog at lists.ausnog.net>
>> Sent: Saturday, 2 March 2013 7:16 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AusNOG] IPv4
>> As I have always thought without forceful intervention by the governing
bodies change will not come, financial incentives/penalties will be the key
to this and until all big business can feel this change will not come why
would it when they can CGNAT / buy more IP's / etc etc . The issue here is
small to medium business who do not have the funds to buy more IP's will
eventually die automatically monopolizing the market by leaving the big
players which sucks for competition..../end rant.
> It won't specifically be IPv6 or running out of IPv4 addresses that will
have caused these businesses to fail. What those businesses will have really
done is failed to plan ahead. In this instance, they've had 10 to 15 years
to prepare and plan, and to incorporate the costs of the future upgrade into
their current product prices. In most other instances e.g. a new tax,
they'll have less than 12 months to prepare for it. A business that can't
plan ahead with a 10 to 15 year notification period probably shouldn't
deserve to survive, because it also probably doing a lot of other things
wrong too, and has such slim margins that it doesn't have any ability to
cope with the reasonable yet unexpected cost increases. Would they survive
if power prices go up by 20%?
> This sounds harsh, but it is the reality. Businesses that aren't good at
being a business fail, and the resources they weren't utilising very well
(e.g. people, infrastructure), are absorbed into businesses that are better
at being businesses.
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