[AusNOG] Simon Hackett's presentation from Comms Day yesterday - NBN fibre on copper prices

Terry Manderson terry at terrym.net
Thu Jul 18 11:54:15 EST 2013

Thinking further into the future than some feel comfortable doing so, you might come to the realisation that the RSP engagement at (or above) layer 2 is ultimately flawed.

There are already technologies in play at the wavelength level - that might push out to the edge - which could allow wavelength leasing in a local context or a national one. Playing with the spectrum, becomes far more interesting when you really think of the glass strands as JUST a roadway. But I'll leave you to that beer-in-hand contemplation.


On 18/07/2013, at 11:28 AM, Andrew Jones wrote:

> Good presentation, and while my first reaction was to agree with Simon, the issue I see with this is that unless each dwelling is able to have multiple strands of fibre delivered, the first RSP to sell a service has a monopoly on the residence's connections. With the current NBN design, a second (or third) RSP can use another of the ports. On the current system with services delivered primarily over phone lines, we can have second provider on a separate line. I think that only offering a single GPON handoff to each premises could reduce competition and increase provider lock-in.

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