[AusNOG] Fwd: survey on RFD

Shishio Tsuchiya shtsuchi at cisco.com
Mon May 23 19:54:25 EST 2011

Dear AusNOG
Thanks for a lot of answer and comments to the survey.
We will close this survey in 25th May 17:30 of the UTC time. 
If you could share the time for us,could you open and answer url?


We will update our draft,and let you know.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: survey on RFD
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 00:46:22 +0900
From: Shishio Tsuchiya <shtsuchi at cisco.com>
To: ausnog at ausnog.net
CC: shtsuchi at cisco.com

Dear AusNOG
There's an internet draft that is trying to gather data on
route flap damping/dampening deployment status.
This work is intended to gather background data on making
the feature less harmful and more usable.

We would very much appreciate if you would take the time to
answer the following survey.


Thanks in advance for your time!

other references:


-- Shishio Tsuchiya <shtsuchi at cisco.com> 

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