[AusNOG] "Sewer broadband provider dumped" - Brisbane fibre plan scrapped

Bevan Slattery Bevan.Slattery at nextdc.com
Wed Feb 23 14:15:21 EST 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: Julien Goodwin [mailto:ausnog at studio442.com.au]

>> Backhaul (Customer to PoI)                              $20/month/Mbps/month

> I make it closer to $21/Mb/Month, but that's with no contention at all

Yes and that's is the case also with the current DSLAM model I highlighted earlier.

>  NBNco in their pricing are suggesting 100:1 oversubscription which would change these two to less then 25c per user. Something in between seems more likely.

Completely wrong.  You are suggesting that you contend a single Mb/s to 100 users!  So a single 1Mb/s link can push around 320GB/month.  So if you contend it 100:1 you get 3.2GB/month of usage.  NBN is suggesting that users would get an average of just over 10Kb/s of bandwidth consumption.  I am saying on a 1TB (or 1,000GB) plan, which is where we are today and pushing beyond that in the next few years, where the users actually use 1,000GB they will also use an *average* of approximately 3Mb/s x $21/Mbps/month.

>> Backhaul (PoI to PoP)                                   $10/Mbps/month (don't know if DF will be available)

> That's a strange stance to take, why wouldn't you expect dark fibre to be available, even if not initially very quickly thereafter.

Assuming it does and even if the fibre was FREE, it still puts NBN Co. 12/1 with 1TB of data consumption (3Mb/s average usage) at $84/month versus $20/month.  Obviously you gain through users not using their bandwidth, but the reality is you can deploy a DSL tail with unlimited backhaul in metro for less than just a tail access on NBN without backhaul to even the nearest PoI, let alone to the PoP.

> You're also ignoring the money needed to repay the DSLAM purchase, installation and maintenance.

No I'm not.


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