[AusNOG] 30 Levels of Nat with Firewalls

Skeeve Stevens Skeeve at eintellego.net
Sun Apr 17 16:10:48 EST 2011

Cooper… You rock mate… this is just awesome ;-)



Skeeve Stevens, CEO - eintellego Pty Ltd - The Networking Specialists

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On 17/04/11 2:18 PM, "Cooper Ry Lees" <me at cooperlees.com<mailto:me at cooperlees.com>> wrote:

A little Sunday 'easter egg' for fellow Network nerds ...

We have a cupboard full of the old and terrible PIX 501 firewalls sitting around. Due to this I wanted to 'daisy chain' as many as I could together to see how things would operate behind X levels of nat. I ended up getting 30.

Here is a blog post and video of the findings ...

P.s. I could not traceroute anywhere with the 501's, a feature apparently.

Cooper Ry Lees
[e] me at cooperlees.com<mailto:me at cooperlees.com>
[m] +61 403 739 446
[w] http://cooperlees.com/
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