[AusNOG] NBNCo releases its response to industry consultation

Paul Brooks pbrooks-ausnog at layer10.com.au
Mon Mar 29 20:36:11 EST 2010

On 29/03/2010 6:41 PM, Grahame Lynch wrote:
> On 29 March 2010 14:03, Paul Brooks <pbrooks-ausnog at layer10.com.au 
> <mailto:pbrooks-ausnog at layer10.com.au>> wrote:
>     Not at all Grahame  - SOMEONE - or collection of someones - will be
>     doing a lot of advertising and awareness raising, but it need not
>     be NBN
>     Co itself.
> But it is NBN Co itself that has to legally obtain the customer's 
> agreement for the ONT install and physically complete the work?

Yes - but not necessarily directly, it could be a box the customer ticks 
on the RSPs service order form.

It is a two-stage process, with very different permissions required for 
each stage.

To just enter the property and attach the ONT, without playing with 
services, I see no reason why NBN Co cant get permission from the 
customer directly to enter the property and install the drop-cable and 
mount/commission the ONT. This is something that NBNCo's people might do 
at the time the cable is rolled down the street, and NBNCo can then mark 
the property 'servicable' (or whatever the database label might be) - as 
long as there isn't any requirement for ongoing monthly rental fee etc 
for having the facility in place.

(imagine a guy with a clipboard knocks on the door "g'day maam - we're 
running the new optic fibre cable down the street, would you like us to 
run the cable to your house while we are in the area? Costs only $XX  if 
we do it while we are here, but if you don't want it done now then it 
may be more as a connection charge if we come back later to run the cable")

To set up a service though, NBN Co gets the agreement from the RSP, it 
is up to the RSP(s) to get agreement from the end-user to make 
alterations to services, which can include permission to enter the 
property and do work. Many months prior to NBNCo actually rolling down a 
street, I see RSPs bombarding the residents with offers to 'upgrade' to 
their special shiny NBN-enabled plans - a prerequisite to receiving the 
new product being the customer ticking the box on the form saying 'I 
give permission for NBNCo's contractors to enter the property/run the 
cable/install the ONT/provision the service/migrate the service if it 
hasn't been done already.

> I see your thought train, I'm not sure it will be that elegant in 
> practice. No need to reiterate why, many of my thoughts are already in 
> this thread expressed by myself and others.
Understood - but these are the parts of the process that aren't yet 
nailed down, and the industry is actively working on these processes in 
cooperation with NBNCo to work out the optimum pathway. It doesn't have 
to be all that complicated though.


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