[AusNOG] Urgent - Pacnet NOC contact (with BGP clue)

Don Gould don at bowenvale.co.nz
Sat Dec 11 07:25:09 EST 2010

On 11/12/2010 12:32 a.m., Skeeve Stevens wrote:

What do Pacnets up streams have to say?  At present I can't get to the 
network as it's not routing past 21  gi1-0-4.gw1.syd3.asianetcom.net 
( from both .nz and .us

RFI - Not all of us really understand bgp, so sorry if the following 
seems like an idiot question, but can providers all just announce the 
correct info to drown out the wrong information? (and yes I do 
understand how dumb that sounds as well, it's like 2 wrongs trying to 
make a right).

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