[AusNOG] Exetel Customer Announcement

Aidan Mountford Aidan at team.allegro.com.au
Wed Dec 1 14:07:13 EST 2010


For what its worth, we have had similar issues over the past 3 years or so.

Whilst we see even less TIO activity than Exetel we have had constant issues with the TIO operating outside its
charter, failing to investigate In a rational manner, leading the complainant and in extreme cases, failed to honour
their own prior decisions and recommendations.

As a percentage, the error rate stands at around 60+ percent for us (these are those we have been able to prove
And received credits from the TIO for)  I would be keen to hear from other carriers who are seeing this kind of performance .

We have had extensive discussion with them over the last three years and whilst this has resulted in credits, reversed
Decisions etc, it has not resulted in any fundamental changes to their behaviour..

Its good to see someone actually take this up with the TIO in this manner.

My concern, apart from costing operators significant dollars, is that poor performance by the arbiter or last resort
Only serves to harm the user experience (and their hip pocket) in the long run.

Anyone who would like to further this discussion with me feel free to contact me off list.



From: ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net [mailto:ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net] On Behalf Of Brent Paddon
Sent: Wednesday, 1 December 2010 12:27 PM
To: Skeeve Stevens
Cc: ausnog at ausnog.net
Subject: Re: [AusNOG] Exetel Customer Announcement

Good on them.  The TIO does need to modify the way it achieves its outcomes.  Too bad it seems it has to happen this way.

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Skeeve Stevens <Skeeve at eintellego.net<mailto:Skeeve at eintellego.net>> wrote:
I thought this would be interesting to the list.

Is this something that other ISP's are also having issues with, and should the Comms Alliance, IIA, ISOC-AU or others be getting involved from a lobbying perspective?


Exetel December 2010 Customer News Letter

Exetel Suing The TIO?

Exetel has, after twelve months of legal 'discussions' filed a claim against the TIO in late November for wrongful charging and breaches of its constitution.

Why did we do this?

Firstly, it was not because Exetel gets a lot of complaints to the TIO - in fact Exetel is one of the very lowest 'transgressors' according to the TIO's own web site (our latest quarterly TIO bill was less than $900.00).

We did it because we, by 'force' not by our own desires, are a 'member' of the TIO and we object to being a member of a rogue organization that insists we pay to belong to it but dismisses our totally legitimate complaints about the way 'our organisation' operates without any consideration for the correctness of its day to day actions or for the efficacy of its own actions.

So for the whole time of our 'belonging' to the TIO we have raised specific objections to many different aspects of how the TIO conducts its daily affairs with the net result that we our legitimate concerns have been dismissed by 'clerks' who have difficulty in spelling 'ADSL' let alone understanding the first thing about how it works.

For practically the whole of 2010 to date our lawyers have been seeking a non court involving redress to overcharging and sensible processes to correct the current glaring errors in the current TIO procedures. Apart from monthly legal bills no other result has been achieved.

Our legal advisors, after almost 12 months of attempting to reach a sensible resolution from the TIO's legal personnel have now advised us that the only way of sensibly getting an answer from the TIO is to get a court to order them to do so.

Therefore we have begun that long and pointlessly expensive process.

<other customer news of no interest to AusNOG removed>


Skeeve Stevens, CEO
eintellego Pty Ltd - The Networking Specialists
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