[AusNOG] DC undervoltage issues

Bevan Slattery bevan at slattery.net.au
Wed Jan 15 23:30:17 EST 2014

From:  Joshua D'Alton <joshua at railgun.com.au>
Date:  Wednesday, 15 January 2014 10:17 pm
To:  James Braunegg <james.braunegg at micron21.com>
Cc:  "ausnog at lists.ausnog.net" <ausnog at lists.ausnog.net>
Subject:  Re: [AusNOG] DC undervoltage issues

> Does the energy provider call up the DC and say oh hey, as per agreement go
onto generators for X hours thanks, your next bill will be credited ABC ?).

Goes like this:

Option 1: Energy Provider rings and says due to network instability can we
ask you to shed xx% of load over this period of time
Option 2: Major DC rings energy provider and says we are seeing network
instability ­ we are considering moving over to internal power.  What is
your advice/recommendation (graceful exit from grid)
Option 3: Power is outside of tolerance on one or more feeds and the DRUPS
engines kicks in ­ no phone call required, but courtesy call is usually
given post fact (all in LV side and the DC¹s control)
Option 4: Loss of HV power to site will require call to provider for
approval before bringing back on grid (safety and capacity confirmation)

The rest of the ³commerciality² is confidential.


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