[AusNOG] Vocus prefix issue

Steven Waite Steven.Waite at comtel.com.au
Tue Oct 24 00:53:53 AEDT 2023

Good Evening

I hope all is well. It's been a very busy few weeks since the wonderful event at SeaWorld. Just hoping if someone from Vocus shoot me an off list email about a multi homing issue we are having. Would seem Vocus is taking longer then expected to drop a /24 prefix from there routing table that was advertise by our ASN via TPG. We are advertising /23 two both carriers and the high and low /24 separately between Voucs and TPG with each service backup each other. Would seem Vocus holds onto the TPG /24 while most other ASN drop it when we have an outage allowing /23 to take effect but Vocus does not clear the /24 thus preventing routing back to Vocus via the /23. Not super urgent

Thanks Steve

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