[AusNOG] Microsoft 365 - Junk Policy (last 2 weeks)

Luke Thompson luke.t at tncrew.com.au
Fri Mar 31 16:55:29 AEDT 2023

Hi all,

Strange question though curious if anyone's seen the same.

We've had a range of clients reporting very intense junking behaviour 
with M365, whether sending or receiving, if there's a M365 tenant 
involved it seems to be hitting Junk for reasons that aren't clear. This 
is with SPF/DKIM/DMARC/etc all passing.

I'm wondering if potentially a new policy has shipped which is 
over-reaching somewhat, as no bounce-backs are being received so it's a 
case of delivered-but-not. This is across a range of clients and 
clients' clients.

If we'd only heard of this from a single client we'd not think much of 
it, though this is both ways and across a range of tenants. Would be 
good to know if there's any substance to it.

As we don't run M365 nor have responsibility for impacted tenants, the 
request here is to check with the IT community. Thank you.


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