[AusNOG] Merchant facilities, card services closure, etc.

Rod rod at rb.net.au
Wed Jul 27 17:09:08 EST 2016

We use a web app and the backend interfaces with


-----Original Message-----
From: AusNOG [mailto:ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net] On Behalf Of Brad
Sent: Wednesday, 27 July 2016 4:26 PM
To: Ross Wheeler <ausnog at rossw.net>; ausnog at lists.ausnog.net
Subject: Re: [AusNOG] Merchant facilities, card services closure, etc.

I'll throw a mention in for Pin Payments (https://pin.net.au). 

They've got a nice Web UI to process payments or you can automate the
interaction with your internal systems by using their API.

Fees are reasonable and support is good too!

From: AusNOG [ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net] On Behalf Of Ross Wheeler
[ausnog at rossw.net]
Sent: Wednesday, 27 July 2016 1:39 PM
To: ausnog at lists.ausnog.net
Subject: [AusNOG] Merchant facilities, card services closure, etc.

I'm guessing there's still a few of the "smaller" operators on this list.

Had a (legit) call from my bank this morning, advising me that the ancient
old "paper" system I've been using for 26 years will cease to exist in
2 months.

Seems the "card services" group (run by the credit card institutions
themselves, not by the banks) is shutting down. I don't have a huge number
of credit card transactions each month, but more than enough that manually
punching them into a phone or POS terminal just ain't gunna happen, and same
for doing it a card at a painful time through some web interface.

My old system used to simply spit out fully printed "merchant summary slips"
that only needed folded and slipped into the provided envelope - no human
interaction beyond a quick visual scan of each page (25 transactions per

I just want a simple system where a card, and an amount, can be shot to
"somewhere" and processed, ideally with a receipt/accepted or
declined/rejected response. One at a time that can be automated, or a batch,
I don't care. Real-time or offline, I don't particularly mind.

I'm happy to change to (or open an additional facility with) another
institution. I don't really care if it's a bank or not, as long as they're
reputable, honest and easy to deal with while setting it up (and their fees
are comparable with or less than I pay now <grin>).

Anyone else facing the same problems? I don't want to go down the
direct-debit route, the majority of my customers currently either send dead
trees, or do EFT, it's just a few hundred cards that linger...

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