[AusNOG] census issues tonight

Mark Andrews marka at isc.org
Wed Aug 10 09:26:02 EST 2016

In message <c7617127-36a9-f5dc-894e-727a6700e016 at spectrum.com.au>, Matt Perkins writes:
> If you ask me the dataset is now terminally compromised. This is 
> essentially market research and peoples ability to answer that sort of 
> stuff truthfully goes to how much the person doing the servery is 
> trusted. With the ABS spouting stuff like Attack from overseas, people 
> are very unlikely to tell the truth on this census.
> Fellas you blew it.  Cancel the census reschedule for next year and send 
> out paper form's Your collective uselessness just put us back 5 years.
> Matt

A DoS attack does not make the dataset compromised.

Having too small key space does.  1/100000 is not a big space for
computers to search through.  It's only ~20 bits of security.  A
extra 4 digits would have raised it to ~30 bits.  A extra 8 digits
would have raised it to ~43 bits.  Entering 5 x 4 digit sequences
is not hard.  We do 4 x 4 + 3 for every visa / mastercard transaction
we do online today.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: marka at isc.org

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