[AusNOG] no entries found with apnic

ComKal Networks admin at comkal.com.au
Mon May 18 12:43:19 EST 2015

> Of note, I've been experiencing the same problem with
> empty whois responses.

I've been getting the same thing since last Wednesday/Thursday,
empty responses from any APNIC Database Query via whois on
the command line, checking IP's from Primus, iiNet, TPG
and Telstra - from an iiNET IP.

%ERROR:101: no entries found
% No entries found in source APNIC,CHINANET,IRINN,JPNIC,KRNIC,TWNIC.

% This query was served by the APNIC Whois Service version 1.69.1-APNICv1r3 (WHOIS1)

whois on the command line is my first check for many

http://wq.apnic.net/apnic-bin/whois.pl works fine and reports

% This query was served by the APNIC Whois Service version 1.69.1-APNICv1r3 (WHOIS1)

Ian Manners

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