[AusNOG] Data Retention and CGNAT - educational exercise

Paul Brooks pbrooks-ausnog at layer10.com.au
Thu Mar 26 08:07:22 EST 2015

On 26/03/2015 12:16 AM, Scott O'Brien wrote:
[...lots of R&D stuff about new  CG-NAT algorithms...]
> I guess the question I’m curious to ask the masses of network geeks is do you see this as a viable way of performing CGNAT on the average consumer base?  Would it work?  I think it’d be useful to be able to more quickly resolve those “who” questions and reduce the amount of data kept in a CGNAT environment.
Ever seen what happens to Google Maps if you limit concurrent source port numbers to
just 100?

Reduce the amount of data to zero - put this energy into deploying IPv6 instead of CG-NAT.
You know you should. You know you can.


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