[AusNOG] Top-posting.

Roland Dobbins rdobbins at arbor.net
Fri Mar 6 16:36:02 EST 2015

On 6 Mar 2015, at 12:28, Rod Veith wrote:

> I am a proud top poster and will not change back to the 'old way'.

My last post on this thread:


The bottom line is that edited, interleaved replies ensure ready 
comprehension of what you're actually saying, and makes it easier for 
those with whom you ostensibly wish to communicate to follow your 

It's a sign of respect for the time of those with whom you're trying to 
communicate.  If you don't respect their time and don't really care 
whether or not they fully grasp what you're saying, then why attempt to 
communicate with them at all?

Most people on trades-oriented email lists such as this one are busy, 
and receive a lot of email.  Respecting that, and organizing your 
thoughts in a way which allows your points to be quickly grasped is the 
best way to ensure that they're actually read.

Roland Dobbins <rdobbins at arbor.net>

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