[AusNOG] AAPT Outages?

Radek Tkaczyk radek at tkaczyk.id.au
Thu Feb 5 01:34:19 EST 2015

Fault updates are in frontier. Looks like 1000 services affected – bugger…


From: AusNOG [mailto:ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net] On Behalf Of Skeeve Stevens
Sent: Thursday, 5 February 2015 12:02 AM
To: ausnog at ausnog.net
Subject: [AusNOG] AAPT Outages?

Hi all,

Looks like AAPT has had some major failures.  I am seeing Fibre links, EFM, other things going up and down across multiple customers.

Anyone know what is happening?


Skeeve Stevens - Founder & Chief Network Architect
eintellego Networks Pty Ltd
Email: skeeve at eintellegonetworks.com<mailto:skeeve at eintellegonetworks.com>

Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; Skype: skeeve

LinkedIn: /in/skeeve<http://linkedin.com/in/skeeve> ; Expert360: Profile<https://expert360.com/profile/d54a9>

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