[AusNOG] What do consumers need to know/what do we need to know about consumers?

Mark Andrews marka at isc.org
Mon Apr 27 23:16:51 EST 2015

* how much buffer bloat a device adds to the path.  The new DSL
  speed tests is just starting to measure this.  Associated with
  this is queue management.  I have a cable modem that adds about
  2 seconds of delay when a iCloud backup is running.  This kills
  anything interactive.

* real information about what level of IPv6 support a device has.
  "IPv6 Ready" really isn't enough.

* IPv6-only levels of support.  When a device is connected to a
  IPv6 only network does it have the ability to connect to IPv4
  servers and via which mechanisms.  646xlat, DS-Lite etc.

* is the device IPv4 only.

* is the device fireware field upgradable and how many years of
  support is included in the purchase price.  We have Smart TV's
  that are only a couple of year old that manufactures have effectively
  abandoned.  EPG's that just don't work anymore.  Apps that don't
  work anymore.

* coming is "homenet" compatible.

* for online games commitment to run server for a minimum of X
  years.  Server source code escrow for when the company goes belly
  up.  Consumers should have to rights to the server side of the
  game they bought if the company no longer wants to run the servers.

* source code escrow for every consumer product.  If a manufacture
  refuses to fix a software bug in a product then the consumer
  should have the right to get the lastest source code for that
  product so they can fix it themselves or hire someone to do the
  fix for them.

Yes, some of this will require consumer legislation to be written
to force company to provide the details.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: marka at isc.org

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