[AusNOG] IPv6

David Hughes david at hughes.com.au
Thu Apr 2 16:03:15 EST 2015

Gentlemen, enough!

There has been some very useful discussion in this thread.  Please keep this constructive.



On 02/04/2015, at 2:58 PM, Mark ZZZ Smith <markzzzsmith at yahoo.com.au> wrote:

> Perhaps you don't know who I am either?
> From: Noel Butler <noel.butler at ausics.net>
> To: Mark ZZZ Smith <markzzzsmith at yahoo.com.au> 
> Cc: ausnog at lists.ausnog.net 
> Sent: Thursday, 2 April 2015, 14:51
> Subject: Re: [AusNOG] IPv6
> On 02/04/2015 09:49, Mark ZZZ Smith wrote:
>> So going by your blog bio, it seems you're a system operator/admin not a network operator.
>> If you haven't been a network operator, then I don't think you would have an appreciation of the costs, options and considerations when building and running a network supporting 1000s, 10 of 1000s or 100 of 1000s of customers.
> Although today I have little to do with networking tasks, the basics stand as they did then, so although I may not do hands on network tasks today, dont assume I dont understand the issues and challenges that exist today.
> since your a johhny come lately to this list you likely wouldnt know which ISP's I've worked for, nor how many 10's of thousands of customers the networks had, the arguments I had to improve things, arguments over cost constraints for hardware and PoP's, so keep going, I and a few others who know this history (some ex-colleagues, some not, some friends, some not), are likely enjoying watching you make an ass out of yourself with your attempt to belittle me - I know I am.
> concluding, you made it clear on more than one occassion you dont consider non network engineers should be on this list, even though a most of us have been on this list since very day one, so your arrogance really doesn't surprise me, anyway, its long weekend time, if you can muster up something worthwhile reading (I somehow doubt it), it'll have to wait till next week
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