[AusNOG] Metadata retention... it's now (almost) a thing

Scott A. McIntyre scott at howyagoin.net
Thu Oct 30 18:36:48 EST 2014


>> However, if the provider offered a SMTP service, then, yes, there was 
>> some level of expectation of the IP of the MUA, the time, the date, 
>> and the Envelope-FROM and SMTP-TO would be retained.  Things got 
>> fuzzy with BCC and it depended to a certain degree on the specific 
>> MTA a provider had.  If it generated the log entry as a matter of its 
>> standard course of operation, the expectation was that it would be 
>> retained for X months.
> What happened in the case where a provider offers SMTP service but the 
> customer doesn't use it and runs their own mail server? Is there an 
> expectation that the ISP will block inbound and outbound SMTP and 
> force everybody through their own servers?


Which isn't to say the "powers" that be here in Australia won't demand 
otherwise, but, nope, it was very clear - as a provider you only had to 
retain that which you *already had* and for the services you 
sold/provided to customers.  There was no requirement to force people 
into boxes, intercept their DNS, interfere with SMTP, etc.


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