[AusNOG] Commsday BREAKING NEWS: Malone quits iiNet

Skeeve Stevens skeeve+ausnog at eintellegonetworks.com
Fri Mar 21 12:31:06 EST 2014

A special announcement from Commsday:

*iiNet* founder Michael Malone has resigned as both CEO and board director
after more than 20 years at the helm of the firm.

Malone, who has been on a sabbatical from his position since last November,
has now opted to leave permanently; both he and the company have cast the
move as entirely Malone's own decision. David Buckingham will continue to
act in the role of CEO, and the board will now conduct an international
search for a permanent replacement, though Buckingham himself is also in
contention. iiNet will shortly appoint a search firm and is looking to have
the process concluded by 30 June.

"During this time away from the business, it became clear to me leading
iiNet and its passionate staff requires 24x7 commitment, energy and
enthusiasm. I have been able to achieve that for over 20 years but have
come to the point where I want to dedicate my time to other opportunities,"
said Malone. "It's never easy to say goodbye, but this is an ideal time to
leave - iiNet is in the best financial shape it has ever been and has a
strong growth plan for future success."



*Skeeve Stevens - *eintellego Networks Pty Ltd
skeeve at eintellegonetworks.com ; www.eintellegonetworks.com

Phone: 1300 239 038; Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; skype://skeeve

facebook.com/eintellegonetworks ;  <http://twitter.com/networkceoau>

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