[AusNOG] Analysis of the Carna Botnet (Internet Census 2012)

PRK ausnog at digitaljunkie.net
Wed May 29 12:40:19 EST 2013

On 2013-05-29 11:52, Tim March wrote:
> Yeah, I was literally just sitting here wondering how fast they'd
> react if you scripted up an "nmap | ncrack | nc `login && write
> erase`" on all the vulnerable hosts...
> "20,000 of your customers just went offline and need manual
> intervention to re-establish their service. Good luck with that."

I expect "they" would react rather fast, and you'd find yourself in 
prison pretty damn quickly.

After all, with all the "cyber war" and "cyber terrorism" hysteria in 
the news at the moment, I'm sure the LEAs would love to be able to 
prosecute and jail a real "hacker" in order to demonstrate that they're 
"taking it seriously".

And despite my eye rolling at the current hysteria, I'd still be there 
applauding if the police caught and prosecuted someone who'd maliciously 
wiped live router configs and taken down customer connections just for 
the lulz.


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