[AusNOG] Simon Hackett's presentation from Comms Day yesterday - NBN fibre on copper prices

Mark Delany g2x at juliet.emu.st
Fri Jul 19 08:38:47 EST 2013

> If you assume that a customer is only going to have one RSP, you end

It's a once in a life-time opportunity to ensure consumers have
maximal flexibility regarding RSP selection. Retaining the single RSP
model requires on-going work to get vaguely close to the same thing.

It's also asking consumers to ignore the last decade of a mess with
changing DSL providers (or mobile phone providers for that matter).

What you're asking consumers to believe is that this time it will be
different and RSPs will ensure that churns will be instantaneous and
seamless. That's a tough sell against the evidence.

>From a consumer perspective, the last thing I want is the potential to
be at the mercy of a single RSP (who may be tempted to ship me a
Bob-like device) and the vagaries of consumer protection legislation.

> ISP supplies CPE as part of the service.  Customer never buys a router.
> Problem solved.

Well, apart from the logistics of the initial installation where you
need to coordinate your fibre installers with your CPE installers and
your connectivity testers. And if it all goes wrong, get them all out
to debug the site. Or are you suggesting self-install for the first
wave of NBN deployments?


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