[AusNOG] Domestic Peering WAS: Vocus peering traffic missingfrom PIPE-IX?

Sean K. Finn sean.finn at ozservers.com.au
Mon Nov 12 13:13:39 EST 2012

> Even if a merger of M2, iiNet and TPG occurred, their traffic volume would not put them in a 
> position to discuss settlement-free or SKA peering with any of the GoF without government 
> intervention - that is the crux of the issue here.
> - Chris

Of course not, they are where the content goes, not where it is generated.

There would have to be some sort of network alliance of almost ALL of the content generation farms within Australia for that to occur, and in my experience there is too much self-interest to achieve this. The other danger is it being regarded as anti competitive collusion by the ACCC.
I'm not sure of the legality of a content-bloc forcing all content through Telstra-Reach would have much effect.

Perhaps a protest-week, once per year, where all Peering-Carrriers donate their free outbound capacity to the U.S. for one week per year for all peering connected content farms and ISP's to dump all outbound traffic to Optus, AAPT and Telstra into the U.S. for one week per year.

Could be a legitimate form of 'protest'.

If there are any carriers who would like to discuss this further, please contact me off list ;) If there is enough interest I will establish a register.


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