[AusNOG] Amazon: And the winner is (not) Sydney

Craig Meyers Craig.Meyers at citec.com.au
Thu Mar 3 17:41:02 EST 2011

If you want to penetrate the Earth's crust, you can't go past neutrinos:
It'll be awesome if it ever is turned into a product. Makes sharks
chewing on cables or earthquakes disturbing comms a thing of the past.
Not sure what the latest update is.
-- Craig Meyers


From: ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net
[mailto:ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net] On Behalf Of John Edwards
Sent: Thursday, 3 March 2011 4:13 PM
To: Damien Morris
Cc: ausnog at lists.ausnog.net
Subject: Re: [AusNOG] Amazon: And the winner is (not) Sydney

On 03/03/2011, at 3:38 PM, Damien Morris wrote:

		Theres your 1ms.

	I've not seen any DeLoreans parked down there but I was
suspecting they'd managed to harness quantum entanglement to get that
faster-than-light roundtrip.

	Not sharing the the technology with the rest of us though,

I once hired a programmer with a masters degree in Astrophysics, who
ruined my personal vision of quantum entanglement by explaining how it
is useless for faster-than-light communications. Good luck with your own

That's not to say that there isn't room for improvement - internal
reflection in singlemode fibre ensures that we're not likely to see
signals propagate faster than 60% of the speed of light. Copper wires
are good for 80%, so maybe there's an opportunity to resurrect some old
cable system and policy-route ICMP across it for laughs.

With the right advances in technology and magma-resistent fibre, you
could possibly bore under the pacific direct from Sydney to San
Francisco, and shave another 25% off your ping time by not following the
curvature of the sea floor - all though I'm not sure how local councils
go with permits to penetrate the Earth's mantle. Tesla may have figured
out a way to do this wirelessly, but he never got the chance to prove


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