[AusNOG] IPocalypse eve?

Damien Morris damien at yahoo-inc.com
Mon Jan 31 12:34:12 EST 2011

On 31/01/11 11:51 AM, "Don Gould" <don at bowenvale.co.nz> wrote:

>Can't speak for everyone else, but the bitching is one of the main
>reasons I've been ignoring the space and will continue until I see a
>more clear path.
>Personally I'm still looking for a clear path just for a simple SOHO set
>up what will be robust.  However every time I toe in the water I get

This is what's concerning me, that many providers could be doing this as
well. I know at least one ISP has spoken up on here and said they already
offer dual-stack and another wholesaler gives away a megabit of v6
free(ish) to assist companies bootstrap their strategies, which are good

My hope is all the fighting on nanog is just noise and most providers are
ready to smoothly transition consumers into v6 using dual-stack, NAT64 or
any other of the host of available techniques.

My fear is that the noise is indicative of issues inherent in having 128
bit addresses, irony being that too many is worse than too few, and there
will be a "choke" period where either v4 is pushed to the limit or v6
ineffectually rolled out. My vested interest being that our content is
always reachable by consumers, both v4 and v6.

Crossing my fingers that we'll hear the former is true, the current news
stories on the topic aren't terribly informative.


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