[AusNOG] Flooding in Rockhampton - What can AUSNOG do?

Skeeve Stevens Skeeve at eintellego.net
Mon Jan 10 22:30:46 EST 2011

++++++1… It would be awesome.

Anyone get the feeling I'd go anywhere interesting? ;-)   By the end of Feb it will be Wellington, Bangkok, Phnom Penh and Hong Kong with a day visit to Shenzhen China.

Any other AUSNOG'ers coming to NZNOG in a couple of weeks in Wellington?

Also, anyone heading to APNIC in Hong Kong in Feb?  That will be off the hook.


Skeeve Stevens, CEO
eintellego Pty Ltd - The Networking Specialists
skeeve at eintellego.net<mailto:skeeve at eintellego.net> / www.eintellego.net
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On 10/01/11 1:02 PM, "McDonald Richards" <macca at vocus.com.au<mailto:macca at vocus.com.au>> wrote:

It may be something the organisers can consider - interim events that happen
mid-year with a smaller scale than the big events in capital cities.

I don't think you'll find many international speakers who want to fly into
Sydney and then have to find their way out to a regional airport to stay in
a best western so they can deliver a talk to 40 people.

I'd attend though - time permitting.

>From an organisational standpoint, it may be that a regional ISP has to
provide assistance arranging things - similar to how Nanog runs.

My 2c


On 10/01/11 12:54 PM, "Adrian Chadd" <adrian at creative.net.au<mailto:adrian at creative.net.au>> wrote:

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011, Mark Newton wrote:
We could have an event on Great Keppel Island. It's only 50km from
the horror and carnage of Rockhampton. We'd probably be able to see with
binoculars if we climbed the right tree.  We'd have to put down our
pina coladas to climb it though.
If people are interested in an AUSNOG-not-in-Sydney, may I suggest something
that qualifies as a little more "remote Australia?"
What I'd love to see (if people really want to stir things up a bit) are
networking events in more remote, country locations.
My (limited) experience running around the countryside trying to make
internets work is that it can be a different world out there and
providing some exposure to internet-in-the-outback may open the
eyes of a few more people.
2c, and I understand how unfeasible it can be to hold a 200+ person event
in a country town, which is why it should happen in the first place..

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