[AusNOG] Windows Virus people [slightly OT]

Andrew Yager andrew at rwts.com.au
Fri Aug 12 13:10:56 EST 2011


Just had an interesting call from Microsoft Windows Support telling me my computer had a virus.

I told them that the Kernel was missing and it kept restarting.

They have given me a phone number to call them back on - does anyone have a good way to find the carrier who holds that number to alert them to their customers "dubious" activity? It's quite obviously a VoIP service - sounds like an ILBC codec at one point (at least).

Andrew Yager, Managing Director   (MACS BCompSc MCP)
Real World Technology Solutions Pty Ltd  - IT people you can trust
ph: 1300 798 718 or (02) 9037 0500
fax: (02) 9037 0591 mob: 0405 152 568

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