[AusNOG] IPv6 NIST security guidelines

Paul Brooks pbrooks-ausnog at layer10.com.au
Fri Feb 26 13:57:30 EST 2010

This one might be of interest to deployers and future deployers of IPv6 
(which should include everyone!)


*NIST Released Draft Special Publication 800-119, Guidelines for the 
Secure Deployment of IPv6*
February 22, 2010

NIST announces the public comment release of *Special Publication (SP) 
800-119* <http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsDrafts.html#800-119>, 
/Guidelines for the Secure Deployment of IPv6/. IPv6 (Internet Protocol 
version 6) is the next generation Internet Protocol, accommodating 
vastly increased address space. This document describes and analyzes 
IPv6's new and expanded protocols, services, and capabilities, including 
addressing, DNS, routing, mobility, quality of service, multihoming, and 
IPsec. For each component, there is a detailed analysis of the 
differences between IPv4 and IPv6, the security ramifications and any 
unknown aspects. It characterizes new security threats posed by the 
transition to IPv6 and provides guidelines on IPv6 deployment, including 
transition, integration, configuration, and testing. It also addresses 
more recent significant changes in the approach to IPv6 transition.
NIST requests comments on Draft SP 800-119 by April 23, 2010. Please 
submit comments to draft-sp800-119-comments at nist.gov 
<mailto:draft-sp800-119-comments at nist.gov?Subject=Comments%20SP%20800-119> 
with "Comments SP 800-119" in the subject line.

It looks after a short scan to be a fairly lengthy and reasonably 
comprehensive document - available at 

Paul Brooks               |         Mob +61 414 366 605
Layer 10 Advisory         |         Ph  +61 2 9402 7355
Layer 10 - telecommunications strategy & network design

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