[AusNOG] Urgent - Pacnet NOC contact (with BGP clue)

Skeeve Stevens Skeeve at eintellego.net
Sun Dec 12 10:30:52 EST 2010


There are a variety of commercials and people/personalities involved here, but I'm not sure how much of it is relevant to the issue at point.  The facts are simple:

-          Alumina was a transit customer of AINS

-          There was a billing dispute

-          AINS disconnected Alumina (which they are entitled to do so)

-          AINS started advertising Alumina's ranges into the routing table in a bid to disrupt their multi-homed connectivity

Do any commercials, people, history, etc or so on, matter in this situation we are in?  I am pretty sure most people agree that, whatever the reasons might be, or justification used, what AINS are doing is wrong.  If it somehow is deemed that is acceptable in any way, then this will happen a lot more.

Imagine if you were multi-homed with Telstra and Optus and you had a billing dispute with one of them, and they disconnected you... and the one who disconnected you started announcing your ranges to disrupt your other connection.... If that happened with big names like that, this would be front page IT news.

Sorry if you thought I was keeping things from you, but I was concentrating on what was relevant to the situation.  If you want more detail I am more than happy to go into it off-list.


Skeeve Stevens, CEO
eintellego Pty Ltd - The Networking Specialists
skeeve at eintellego.net / www.eintellego.net
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From: Scott Howard [mailto:scott at doc.net.au]
Sent: Sunday, 12 December 2010 10:23 AM
To: Skeeve Stevens
Cc: ausnog at lists.ausnog.net
Subject: Re: [AusNOG] Urgent - Pacnet NOC contact (with BGP clue)

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Skeeve Stevens <Skeeve at eintellego.net<mailto:Skeeve at eintellego.net>> wrote:
No Curtis went on to Blitz which bought Koala's remains and they went bust as well.

Then he went to AINS, and then he actually went to Alumina, my customer, who threw him out (for various reasons) and he went back to AINS...

And you didn't think that fact was worth mentioning earlier?

How much more is there to this story that you haven't passed on?


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