[AusNOG] secondary radius accounting for unmetered traffic

Nathan Ridge ridgey at matilda.net.au
Wed Aug 18 13:16:32 EST 2010

Hey all,

I am trying to split radius accounting traffic to 2 separate radius 
servers for metered and unmetered traffic. I originally was going to use 
netflow and calculate the totals based on AS number
but then was suggested to use Cisco ISG.

The traffic to be separated comes in vlan different vlans and I have 
started by tagging the traffic with different dscp values.

I have had a bit of a play with ISG attempting to send tagged session 
data to a second AAA group but not having much success.

Is this the best way to achieve this ? Any suggestions and 
recommendations appreciated.


*Nathan Ridge*
*Systems Administrator*

*Matilda Internet*


(Telephone +61 7 4953 0711
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29 Gregory Street, Mackay, QLD 4740, Australia
* Email ridgey at matilda.net.au
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