[AusNOG] NBN Co Layer 2 vs. Layer 3 Services

Paul Brooks pbrooks-ausnog at layer10.com.au
Thu Apr 22 17:41:00 EST 2010

On 22/04/2010 5:11 PM, Daniel Hooper wrote:
> "but will be forced to travel all the way out to an interconnect point 
> and through RSP1, then be handed over to RSP2"
> That's just the nature of the beast, if factory #1 was really serious 
> about exchanging large volumes of traffic to the premises next door 
> wouldn't they be eligible to purchase a layer2 style of service from 
> an RSP? I haven't seen any thing so far that mandates that providers 
> must only sell layer3 services. Surely the RSP could apply for a VLAN 
> to be mapped between port X on customers ONT and mapped to another 
> port on another ONT?

NBNCo won't sell a VLAN directly between two ONT ports to build an 
end-to-end service. NBNCo's services are all  ONTport-to-POI.

But I agree thats the nature of the beast, its exactly what happens now 
when two locations are connected to two different providers - or even to 
the same provider. If factory#1 was serious about large data volumes to 
a location nearby they would find a local carrier to dig some fibre or 
establish a microwave link directly between the two buildings, and 
bypass the NBN connection. Just because a building is connected to the 
NBN doesn't mean thats ALL they can be connected to.

The argument is an example to highlight a concept of "efficiency". My 
belief is that strict efficiency in terms of shortest-geographic-path is 
a concept that is largely out the window and immaterial. We don't care 
about efficient routing of telephone calls these days, its all about 
least-cost not shortest-path - I can call the person next door and have 
the call routed around the planet a couple of times, and I don't care as 
long as the audio quality is OK.  With ubiquitous fibre infrastructure 
leading to almost unlimited bandwidth in practical terms, the only 
effect from non-shortest-path traffic flows that the end-user expriences 
is a few millisecs of latency - if this causes capacity issues for the 
provider, than the provider has to find a way around it by finding a 
more optimal path, or possibly finding a longer but cheaper path so they 
can afford more capacity - either way, the argument that  traffic 
between two locations that are next door to each other shouldn't ever 
flow beyond the end of the street doesn't hold in my view.


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