[AusNOG] [Oz-ISP] [sorbs-announce] Public Servers needed.

Matthew Sullivan matthew at sorbs.net
Sat Nov 3 17:19:10 EST 2007

Apologies in advance to anyone that doesn't want to hear it... (I don't, 
but I really do have to respond at least once, I won't respond on list 
again to this poster unless the list owner indicates that it is not 
off-topic as I feel it's about to be if it isn't already).

Scott Howard wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 09:47:09PM +1000, Noel Butler wrote:
>> I guess that lamer wont like all my sendmail milter-regex configs then
>> that do a better job blocking dynamic wankas than any RBL, however I've
>> found SORBS to be very useful  and Matthew always very approachable, I
>> guess the turd that runs that site, has been caught out doing norties
>> therefor deserves to be where he is and his lil dummy spit more or less
>> proves it :)
> "Turd"?  Bit of a hard call, especially given that you don't need to
> look very hard to find any number of people who dislike SORBS, including
> a large percentage of the anti-spam industry.

Al Iverson "Email Delivery Expert" does not constitute a large 
percentage of the anti-spam industry.

> But don't worry, the feelings are returned by Sullivan, who in the past
> month alone has launched major tirades against SpamAssassin, SpamHaus as

Try getting *facts* straight.  I haven't launched into anything bad 
about SpamAssassin and actively recommend it to most.  That said the 
latest incarnation hasn't been as good (3.2.x) as the older ones on my 
mail servers, but that's not to say it isn't good.  The spamhaus spat is 
being dealt with privately.

> well as several specific individuals - all of which are apparently evil
> beyond belief.
> Personally I'd strongly suggest avoiding SORBS on principle alone (not

Your choice.

> to mention false positives), but if you don't want to take my word for
> it then google is a good place to start, or just try the following...
> http://www.dnsbl.com/2007/07/sorbs-on-accuracy-rates-and-false.html

by Al Iverson
> http://dnsblresourcedata.googlepages.com/criticismfromsorbs
also by Al Iverson

> http://groups.google.com/group/news.admin.net-abuse.email/browse_thread/thread/643e0dda1dc20873/424e788336789a70

and yet another reference to/from Al Iverson.  You'd be much better 
searching for 'searching for "matthew sullivan arrogant wanker" which 
will give you a lot more hits by more people instead of one who spends 
his time making up stats to say what he wants rather than reflect 
reality (which as it happens is the basis of the argument.  I want him 
to collect true stats in an *open* and *consistent* manner that *does 
not* prefer any DNSbl, he wants to generate stats that say what he 
wants, more will come out later on that, and when the time is right.)

> The last month's archives of SPAM-L are worth reading too, although you
> need to subscribe to read them.

Plenty of archives around for Spam-L (probably unofficial), and yes it's 
more Al Iverson stuff, perhaps you should read: 
http://www.dnsbl.dev.sorbs.net/home/critisism.shtml which Iverson tries 
to use Google cache to hide.  Of course those on a more private list 
know that Iverson was told he was being childish and immature and should 
remove the copyrighted page from his site, so his response was to use 
Google cache, then when that disappeared he offered (and still does 
offer) copyright infringing copies of the original page(s).  For someone 
who is a 'trusted member of the anti-spam community and an email 
delivery expert' he does seem to like taking things that don't belong to 
him and doing what he wants with them for his own profit regardless of 
the rightful owners' wishes...  Sorta reminds me of another group of 
people and the reason for action against them....

Now if you have anything on topic, please continue, other wise please 
refrain from starting yet another SORBS does this, SORBS does that 
thread on yet another forum that has nothing to do with save a post 
asking for hosting help.

Best regards,


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