If you really want a "router" platform capable of holding a full routing table with all the bells & whistles, be prepared to pay "router port" prices from the usual players.<br><br>It may well be you can achieve what you want using a "layer 3 switch" which has the same kind of hardware-based FIB (TCAM, m-trie etc), RIB in software but not necessarily capable of holding a full internet routing table.<br>
<br>But I'd seriously be considering *why* you need to hold a full internet routing table.<br>Its certainly nice-to-have but often entirely unnecessary providing the tables are "big enough" to handle your internal prefixes + whatever peering you do + some growth.<br>
<br>If you have that option you potentially get by with something between 1/100th and 1/10th the price point, similar metrics for power/heat.<br>Adds a modern twist to "switch where you can, route where you must."<br>