[AusNOG] Long live our new Communications Minister

Mark Delany g2x at juliet.emu.st
Tue Sep 15 23:30:39 EST 2015

On 15Sep15, Mark Newton allegedly wrote:
> I'm not abusing you, I'm pointing out that as an industry you don't have your shit together.
> The fact that you perceive that as abuse is part of the problem.
> Other industries of your scale influence their own destiny. Yours doesn't. Why do you think that is?

Too cheap?

Too fragmented?

Too immature? (in terms of years, not attitude)

Too immature? (in terms of attitudes, not years)

Not that it's an excuse, but the same industry malaise seems to occur
in other markets as well, so it might have something to do with the
demographics that the industry attracts.

But yeah, when you see how effective an industry can be when it gets
it's representative act together, it's a wonder to behold. My
favourite examples are the AOPA (US version), the medical AMA (AU and
US versions), the motorcycle AMA (US version) and the big daddy of
them all, the NRA.

Love 'em or hate 'em, you have to admire their effectiveness.

Organized, coherent, well-funded representation transforms the way
goverments deals with an industry.


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