[AusNOG] AAPT/TPG EFM vs MBE @ 10Mbps

Bradley Amm Bradley.Amm at telethonkids.org.au
Mon Jul 13 14:18:53 EST 2015

At that distance you could get more than 10mbit

From: AusNOG [mailto:ausnog-bounces at lists.ausnog.net] On Behalf Of James Cunningham
Sent: Monday, 13 July 2015 11:42 AM
To: ausnog at lists.ausnog.net
Subject: [AusNOG] AAPT/TPG EFM vs MBE @ 10Mbps

Hello Ausnog,

I'm struggling to comprehend the differences between the AAPT/TPG EFM product and the MBE product. I understand that both are Ethernet over Copper and both offer symmetrical speed, and that MBE is a guaranteed speed and EFM is a best effort product.

But how do these differ technically in the back end? Is one better than the other? Everyone says that MBE is better than EFM, but is this just because MBE is guaranteed?

Customer is 300m from their telephone exchange, and should get the full 10Mbps using EFM, what benefit is there is paying twice as much per month for an MBE? I believe both have free installation on 36 month contracts.

Are they both 1:1 connections?

Thank you in advance

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