[AusNOG] Data retention definitions

Robert Hudson hudrob at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 20:38:22 EST 2014

On 27 August 2014 20:13, Ben Grubb <bgrubb at fairfaxmedia.com.au> wrote:

> They also want "information necssary to identifiy the type of
> communication", including "the type of service used"
> That sounds like port information to me.

Port is one way, and not a very effective one.  It's possible to tunnel
plenty of data over things like SSH or even HTTPS (or even non-encrypted
services ports) and "hide" what the traffic is really doing if all that's
used to determine the traffic type is the port.  You don't even have to
tunnel it - there's nothing to stop me setting up a web server that
responds perfectly well to web requests on non-standard ports.

To effectively meet the government's requirements will require more than
just reporting the source and destination ports used.
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