[AusNOG] OT: Police Wardriving. Where else but QLD!

Eric Pinkerton Eric.Pinkerton at stratsec.net
Fri Mar 23 15:55:01 EST 2012

ISP's typically charge for the process of matching IP's to usernames, and this can be upwards of $10 a pop. So if they were doing an IP check which I doubt, then they would probably just notify the ISPs of infected hosts and hope that the ISP can be bothered to notify the customer, and more to the point that the customer subsequently has any idea what they are being told (given that by definition they have already demonstrated a level of technical ineptitude).

I suspect the most pragmatic approach will just be to knock on doors, and or hand out leaflets explaining the problem, and what can be done where they see open networks.  Ironically this approach will be least effective in high density areas, where people are most at risk*.

A Current Affair special interview with Joe Soap from wherever about how he was accused of being a nonce after someone used his wifi to upload KP would probably be a far more appropriate and successful approach to this problem.

*I'm yet to be convinced that this in anyway mitigates the overall risk of people doing bad things through other peoples connections, because bad people will simply drive a few more metres down the road to another open network or go to Macdonalds or an internet café or just stay at home and use TOR.


Eric Pinkerton
Principal Consultant
Level 6, 62 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
M +61 419 827 312 | AU 1300 027 001 | Intl +61 2 6260 8878 | F +61 2 9251 6393 |E eric.pinkerton at stratsec.net | W www.stratsec.net 

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